Editorial illustration Some of my favorite graphics produced for a variety of newspapers and magazines As Flooding Increases, Chicago Looks To Make Basement Housing Safer . Borderless Magazine . 2022 South Side Weekly Cover. March 21, 2022 Chicagotlan: Tenochtitlan en Chicago . South Side Weekly . 2021 Best of The South Side Cover . South Side Weekly . 2021 Vaccine Disparity Grows in Chicago’s South Suburbs . South Side Weekly . 2021 Columbia addresses ‘severe financial shortfall’ for the upcoming school year . The Columbia Chronicle . 2020 The stars align for Venusian Glow makeup . The Columbia Chronicle . 2020 Spicing up Zoom . The Columbia Chronicle . 2020 Opinion: Health care workers need more than applause right now . The Columbia Chronicle . 2020 Opinion: Pritzker’s release of inmates during pandemic is headline bait . The Columbia Chronicle . 2020 New Title IX regulations create concerns, but Columbia students ‘will be supported’ . The Columbia Chronicle . 2020 International students concerned for fall semester amid online classes, new ICE regulations . The Columbia Chronicle . 2020 Chronicle FYI: Supreme Court takes on LGBTQ+ workplace rights . The Columbia Chronicle . 2019